Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Keep Out

When your job revolves around driving to locations that you have never been to before and may never go to again, you quickly come to grips with the benefits of modern technology.  There is nothing that has been more helpful in these travels than the purchase of my GPS.  If you need to know how far you are from a gas station, you can find out. If it does not seem like there is a chance that you will ever see a restaurant again, you got it. If there is a detour that you should take due to construction, weather, or a T-Rex on the loose-BOOM!-dinosaur avoided.   They provide every bit of information that you need short of how many dead animal carcasses that you will pass or crush on your way.

However, there is always the possibility of user malfunction (which is a nice way of saying ‘not paying attention). There was the time that I added two hours to my trip by not watching the screen.  Then there are times that I end up in places because I have not recently updated the device.  To be clear, no matter how perfect the plan, it is highly possible that we will mess up.

Monday, my GPS kept recalculating how I would arrive at my desired destination after I had missed the initial turn recommended (and the numerous 3’ X 3’ signs with HORNS CREEK RESORT written above an arrow pointing the proper direction).  After taking multiple gravel roads, a couple of dirt roads, and two dead ends, I thought I would just wing it. I drove down yet another gravel road that was about the width of 3/4ths of my car. In a world of Escalades, Armadas, and Navigators, I have to be clear-I drive a 2001 Honda Accord.  My expectations of the size of this road are far from grandeose.

I did everything possible to make sure that I did not run off of the road completely-I sang ‘Keep it Between the Lines’ and ‘Jesus Take the Wheel’.   Eventually, I came to a sign marked ‘Private Property’ with a lot of smaller writing that I did not have the time to read (but, am quite sure in retrospect, said something about my ensuing death).

I noticed two things: An opening head of me where I could turn around and a curious Pitbull-ish canine trotting around a shaggy-headed, beady eyed, little boy.  

Based on my calculations, the world is made up of two types of kids: Cute ones and creepy ones(If no one has ever told you that your kid is cute-sorry).  This little corn-field dweller eyed me intently as I drove into an opening about three yards behind where he was standing.  When I turned my car around, his hand was extended towards me to thoroughly communicate, “stop.”  Due to the overall creepiness of the situation,  I interpreted “stop” as “hey!”  I drove by him and waved.

This is where it gets weird.  As I drove by, I heard a voice that was far too deep for his eight year old frame say in a deep, gravelly, hissing snake-style voice, “I SAID STOP!!!”  I looked in my rear-view mirror and he was waving his hand towards me, unleashing the pit-bull to pursue my Honda.

 As the dog snapped at my bumper, I looked to my left and to my right and noticed an assortment of canines joining him in the chase.  There was a collie, a chow that kept running into my car, something that resembled a wolf, and a wiener dog with its tongue flapping in the wind.  
I  floored it (which means I got over 70 mph), leaving the dogs and the boy in the background.  My heart was beating as if I ran 70 mph.  I am certain my GPS said something to the effect of ‘Huh?!?’

Were the dogs going to tear me limb from limb if they caught me?  Probably not.

Were the dogs really obeying the voice of this kid? I’m quite certain.  

Was a grown man a totally creeped out by said kid?  Absolutely.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Salon Selective

My mother was a hair stylist. Some of my earliest memories involve spinning in one of her chairs until I was so dizzy I could not stand up.  There even came a point where she added a salon onto the back of our house so that we could be home all afternoon, eat a snack, do our homework, and not have to worry about inhaling an unacceptable amount of hairspray from being in her shop after school.

When your mom cuts hair, that means that you have weird ideas as to how you can wear your hair.  Keep in mind, my head has multiple ‘cowlicks’ (salon talk for ‘nothing to work with’) and, if my hair is grown out the slightest bit too much, I bear a striking resemblance to a not-yet-fully-grown Chia Pet.  However, I grew up in the 80’s, meaning that I was under the (hair-) stylistic influence of  rappers like Kid N' Play (who wore their hair combed to stand completely straight at a bout a foot in length) and Brian Bosworth, who combined a flat-top on the top with lines shaved in the side of his head.  To personalize the Boz’s look, I asked my mom to give me a perm in the back.  Before I even knew what a mullet was, I had one.   I have since destroyed all of the pictures so that my children never have anything in their hands that they can use for black-mail.

It was strange being the kid of a hair stylist.  She would always tell me how other kids were scared to get anything done to their hair.  They were afraid of the sharp scissors or the buzzing sound on the side of their head.  But I never was.  She used to tell me all of the time that I would fall asleep when I was really little.  

I fell asleep because of my trust in the one who held the scissors.  Her control meant more to me than anything I could fear.  

Scripture teaches us to:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
(Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

The writer of the Proverbs is pointing towards the same idea.  We are to realize our need for God’s leadership and guidance and to consider his presence in our lives even when that does not seem possible. Even in difficulties. Even when our thoughts and instincts would tell us to do something else. We trust wholly.

The disciples had a difficult situation where they were sailing (Mark 4:35-40).  Jesus was asleep in the boat and the everything was calm.  We learn that a terrible storm came out of nowhere and that they feared for their lives.  Jesus was still asleep. They went to Jesus and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”  Jesus stood up, told the water to calm down, and it did. He then questioned their faith, asking  “You of little faith, why do you doubt?”  And the disciples looked at one another and said, “Who is this guy?”

What may happen is that we lose the full significance of the story in the miracle.  Jesus had said “We are going to the other side.”  That is what they doubted-the Word of Jesus. And if we are not careful, we miss this all-important fact: Jesus was just as much in control when the waters were raging as when the storms were still.  

To live as God calls is difficult. Yet, if we are to trust that Jesus really is LORD over all things and that in Him All things hold together (Colossians 1:15-20), we are to pray that God will help us in those seasons and storms of doubt.  As a man said to Jesus in regards to the healing of his son, “LORD, I believe, help my unbelief (Mark 9:24). We as followers can stand firm in what we believe-yet we pray that Jesus reminds us in those moments of doubt that He has not ceased to give us reasons to hold on to Him-that we trust Him to help our unbelief.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I usually do not think about my raincoat.

You see, raincoats fall into the category of 'things you forget you need until you really need them'. Other items that exist in this place are windshield wipers, pocket change, cell phone chargers, extra-strength Rolaids, and the copy of your 'Jock Jams' CD from the 90's.

The rain coat seems a little more important because it directly affects your immediate comfort. And on those days, if it were actually possible, I would give myself a swift kick. I always think to myself, "Why did I forget to grab that raincoat?" (I guess it is good that the swift kick to oneself is impossible here, because not only would I be soaked, I would be limping as well. )

Most days, I just leave my raincoat inside of the car. This is usually not a problem-as long as the rain starts while I am driving. But there are the times that the raincoat is in the car and I am soaked before I remember its location because I did not look at the Weather Channel, my weather phone app, or the sky.

Then there are the days that the raincoat is in the house and I am well on my way to a busy day, halfway across town when the skies open and the floods come.

I always think to myself, "Why did I forget to grab that raincoat?"

One morning, I hurried out of the house, ran to church, and hopped on a fifteen passenger bus on the way to downtown Chattanooga. It was an early start because my friend Kevin and I had signed up to help the Homeless Coalition with a project. Our mission: To shuttle homeless men and women from all over Chattanooga to a convention for the purposes of helping them find good places to stay, places to eat, rehabilitate (if necessary), get hair cuts and hygiene products, and hopefully find employment.

We rode downtown and Kevin and I picked up our first group at a local shelter. Everyone filed into the back of the bus. Conversation was at a minimum (I do remember vain attempts to talk about football with some of the guys). For the first half hour, we were all pretty quiet with the exception of a gentleman who was ever so thankful for what we were doing. He was a guy who most of us probably drive by every day. Nothing really stood out to me about him.

Well, I take that back. I do remember one thing-he didn't bring his raincoat.

Then there was the next stop at a downtown hotel that runs discounts for the local homeless population. The energy in our bus picked up and our we talked about life-normal, everyday life. This crew was pretty open about bad life decisions that had put a hold on everything else. Some shared about drugs, alcohol, children they had not seen. Others talked about losing jobs because of the economy. The reasons for their situation were mixed bag of poor decisions, an inability to 'bounce back', and a recession.

None of them remembered their raincoats, either.

Our third trip was probably the most eventful. Somewhere on the interstate, a conversation started about what they were having for lunch at our destination (no one knew). This evolved into a full-scale discussion between Kevin and the rest of the bus. If this were a segment on a reality television show, it would be called "The Weirdest Thing I Have Ever Eaten." It started with words like 'duck' and deer then escalated to 'bear', 'snake', and 'guinea pig' (I almost inserted 'St. Bernard' and/or 'my nephew', but deemed it inappropriate). One guy kept reiterating that he had also eaten 'raccoon' and that 'turtles have seven different types of meat'( I learned a life lesson in the midst of this-never have a competition with a homeless guy about who has eaten the weirdest food). We dropped them off for lunch and watched them all run inside.

They ran pretty quickly-because none of them had their raincoats.

Finally, a gentleman got on the bus and introduced himself to everyone riding. he then pulled out his harmonica and began to jam before telling us that he had toured with both Bob Dylan and none other than the King, Elvis Presley. He then played a couple more tunes before singing some of Elvis's hits for a crowd that was evidently more drawn towards the Beatles (or the Bee Gees, Jimmy Hendrix, or anyone other than the guy singing). When we dropped him off, he asked a few questions that I did not have answers to about the event, and walked off, leaving his seat soaking wet.

He had forgotten to bring his raincoat, too. Along with countless other men, women, and kids.

It is easy to look at a situation and disconnect yourself with cliches like 'they made their own bed' or 'better them than me.' The difficulty comes when we have conversations with people and look them in the face. Difficult decisions are made when we sacrifice for someone else-when we see those who are less fortunate as people-not a problem. While many of us find verses that are for us that we are happy to put on coffee cups or FB statuses, there are multiple references to the people of God taking care of the poor that have been ignored because we have decided those verses are for someone else. It has been said, "The problem is not that Christians don't see the poor; the problem is that we don't know the poor."

There are everyday things that all of us can do. I am, by no means, an expert. I am consistently reminded of my inconsistencey-where I fall short in all of this, when I am less than caring, overwhelming selfish, and absolutely ungracious. However, where I fall short, my Lord does not. He is gracious, selfless, and caring-and has asked the same of me and empowered me to walk with him in His infinite goodness. In Him, I can do "all things." I can, at the very least, look through my closet or act like the $2 I give to a guy on the street isn't going to cause my head to fall off or take food out of my kids' mouth.

I'm just a guy with a raincoat.

Chances are-you're just a guy with a raincoat, too.

Any questions about what you can do, feel free to www.homelesscoalition.org